Friday, April 6, 2018

Lines on the Star of India with Duffy and ShellieMay - San Diego Festival of Sail - Part 21 - September 3, 2017

"I am not sure we will ever manage to untangle these."

"Do you think we could turn this wheel?"

"This is very big!" said Clara.

"Or maybe we are very small," said Liam.

"Singer makes sewing you think our human could sew us some things with this?"

"Sail away, ShellieMay!"

Sorry for the fuzzy shot...we waited for the small humans to stop playing before we got some pictures, but then they wanted to play again.

"This beam moved! You were supposed to stand on it!" said Liam.

"It was scary," said Clara.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Exploring the Star of India - San Diego Festival of Sail - Part 24 - September 3, 2017

"The Star of India is a lovely and historic sailboat."

"So much cargo!"

"What a beautiful view."

"Liam! Please be careful!"

"It would have been very crowded to sail on this ship a long time ago," said Clara.

"This reminds me a little bit of DisneySea," said Clara.

Monday, April 2, 2018