Friday, March 31, 2017

Duffy's Trip to San Francisco - Part 17 - Ghirardelli Square - June 12, 2015

"Duffy again! We want to go to Ghirardelli Square. But first, let's look at the toy store near our hotel!"


"Now we are just waiting at the intersection. Mmmm Taco Bell/KFC"


"Oh! There were advertisements for this restaurant all over the hotel. Let's go look."

"Yes! We had a good meal!"

"And oh hey! This is Ghirardelli Square!"

"You can tell by the sign."

"They sell chocolate AND they have places to live. Can you believe that?!"

"We did some shopping..."

"And not a little relaxing..."

"And some posing!"

"Hello! You can see the water! Which makes sense because we could see this building when we were down by the water."

"hiard...I mean, Ghirardelli!"

"Whoa! Construction! Art!"

"I love the scale!"

"Whoa; what a weird tree."

"Still kind of weird."

"Um...I am not trying to be ungrateful, but...could we maybe have some ice cream now?"

"We ordered but can you please bring our ice cream now?"

"OH! Wow! Yay!!!"

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Duffy's Trip to San Francisco - Part 16 - To Pier 39 - June 11, 2015

"Duffy again. Whew! All that laughing tired us out!"

"Why did my human take this photo...oh! Inside Out!"

"I am trying to pose excited like Joy!"

"We made it to Pier 39! It was hard to get a good photo, though. So windy!"

"I am ready to go sailing again."

"TippyBlue, you do not have to deliver mail now. You are on vacation!"

"And....we were tired so we did not get many pictures. But we DID get some cupcakes!"

"Let's celebrate!"

"The human realized she would have to pack her KitKats carefully to get them home on the plane, so she had to take them out of their bags. But here's the wrappers.  Cheesecake!"

"Dark chocolate!"

"Green tea matcha! These were popular with her coworkers."

"Bedtime for now!"

Friday, March 24, 2017

Duffy's Trip to San Francisco - Part 15 - Musée Mécanique - June 11, 2015

"Duffy here. The human had read about the Musée Mécanique years ago and was excited to visit! It was not like she expected, though..."

" was so much bigger and better! There were SO many amazing machines! My human had a pocket full of quarters, and we felt so rich!"

"This whole display moved if you put in a coin or so! This ride reminded us of the Golden Zephyr!"

"The details were amazing. To think someone must have built all of these things a long time ago...!"

"Oh! My human likes Harold Lloyd!  Let's watch."

"2015 was the 100th anniversary of the 1915 World's Fair. What a great time to visit!"


"Oh! A cat!"


"This guy!  All he did was laugh, I think.....but that made me laugh too!"

"At first I didn't understand why someone would make him, but I guess those old-timey people knew what they were doing."

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Duffy's Trip to San Francisco - Part 14 - Seagulls and Supper - June 11, 2015

Duffy here. TippyBlue says "Mine, Mine!"

"We had a delicious supper at the Boudin Bakery!"

"So much bread!"

"Friend?" asks TippyBlue.