Friday, April 14, 2017

Duffy's Trip to San Francisco - Part 21 - Marina Middle School - June 12, 2015

"Still Duffy...still walking...I believe this was a library! We went in for a minute. It looked like fun for locals, with lots of computers, but nothing much for us."


"We have walked a whole lot today."

"I think I will just rest here a bit..."

"OH! This is a school?!?!"

"So impressive!"

"Um...are we almost back to the room, though?"

"San Francisco does look very different from any other place I've ever been. My human says that's true for her too!"

"So different!"

"Oh! Heya, Mater!"

"Hm...I look shocked but I don't remember why...."

"That building back there is beautiful, isn't it?"
"So much detail!"

"There was a back way to get into our hotel. With a mirror and everything."

"So fancy!"

"I...don't remember if this was a snack that night or breakfast the next morning. (I know, I know, I'm in the same clothes! I only have one nice outfit and I wanted to wear it to be respectful of Mr. Disney. Please don't judge me...)"

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