"We took the train and got off at the right stop and everything! We even stopped at a 7-Eleven so my human's friends could pick up a ticket to a baseball game! But then we had to try to find our destination. It was fun to see the neighborhoods! SO GREEN!"
"We even passed a school and saw boys in school uniforms. Wow! And we are going to....
Tokyo Tower!"
"It was SO WINDY that we were not allowed to go to the upper observation deck. But my human is afraid of heights, so she did not mind."
"Oh! We are still pretty high up!"
"Hello, tiny Tokyo! I am towering over you!"
"This view scared my human just an ITTY bit. Do not worry. She is okay."
"They found this old baseball hidden away when they were refurbishing Tokyo Tower. It is in SUCH a fancy case!"
"Sakura! (Kind of!)"
"They had two men dressed like these mascots, but you could see their faces! They seemed very energetic and I think they were nice, but my human was a bit scared of them. She is more shy than I am."
"We decided to get a snack! My human's friend was happy to get soft-serve ice cream. My human wasn't very interested in that, but she saw Tokyo Tower dorayaki. (That's sometimes called Japanese pancakes with red-bean filling, but my human thinks it is like a Japanese whoopie pie.) We both love sweet red bean filling!"
"And we could see Tokyo!"
"Hm. The dorayaki is getting all eaten. How could that have happened?"
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